Turun yliopiston politiikan tutkimuksen klubi ry. (P-klubi) is an association for students studying Contemporary History and Political Science at Turku University. P-klubi focuses on arranging various activities for its members. These activities consist of parties, discussion nights on current political topics, sports and cultural activities, student trips etc. Our job is to look after our members’ interests, hence one of our most important tasks is to act as spokesperson between the students and the Departments of Contemporary History and Political Science, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the University in general and the Students Association within the University.

Our association actively arranges different sport events and frequently takes part in occurring tournaments (e.g. in soccer, basketball, floorball (bandy), volleyball etc). P-klubi won the University of Turku’s mixed sports tournament 2014. We also arrange student trips to both domestic and international destinations. P-klubi has visited for example Berlin, Brussels and Rome. On these trips there are both cultural and political sights scheduled for the participants, not to forget the late night activities of course.

P-klubi is also active in international and domestic students’ association relations. P-klubi is one of the 15 founding members of IAPSS, the International Association for Political Science Students. We are also frequently in touch with our Finnish colleagues, such as VOO (Political Science) and Polho (Contemporary History) in Helsinki and Iltakoulu (Political Science) in Tampere.

P-klubi was founded in 1975 as the two previous clubs for students – The Club for Contemporary History and the Club for Political Science – merged into one. Thus P-klubi became the largest association for Students within the Social Sciences faculty and has remained so, when examined by the amount of its members and general activity. P-klubi is one of the most active Students’ organisations within Turku University.

Our main concern is to be a connecting link between our members and to help them create a good balance between studying and leisure.

Joining the club happens by emailing our secretary (jesse.k.metsala@utu.fi). Be sure to include your name, utu-email, the year you started in Turku, major and home city. Please be sure to pay membership fee (20€) via MobilePay or bank transfer and notify Jesse on this.




Politiikan tutkimuksen klubi ry.
Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B, second floor
20500 Turku


Vanessa Luovikari

Upcoming events can be found in the event calendar (in Finnish)

P-klubi’s office hours are available for members on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm to 2pm. You are welcome to join us for coffee and get to know your fellow students!

The board meetings are held weekly, usually on Mondays at P-klubi’s office, unless stated otherwise.